6 Key Elements of a Partnership Agreement

6 Key Elements of a Partnership Agreement

A partnership is a common business formation type. If you are preparing to enter into a business partnership, there should always be a contract involved. What are the main things that you need to agree upon with your business partner? Here are 6 essential elements of the agreement. Other pursuits – You don’t want your […]

3 Important Elements of Your Business Contracts

3 Important Elements of Your Business Contracts

Business contracts involve a complex series of legal factors that add up to one solid business agreement between two or more parties. Today, we are going to briefly break down three elements that you will find in most business contracts and agreements. Limit of Liability – If one party of the contract breaches the agreement, […]

Small Business Legal Playbook|Play #2: “The Catastrophe.”

small business legal playbook the catapsrophe

Picture this: you and your business partner(s) are celebrating another successful year for your company. Things are going wonderfully, but something is nagging you. You feel like you and your partners aren’t in control of your collective destiny, and that you cannot prepare for a catastrophic event, only react to it when it happens. With […]