3 Ways a Business Attorney Can Help You Avoid a Lawsuit

3 Ways a Business Attorney Can Help You Avoid a Lawsuit

Most small business owners think of business attorneys as the person you go to when a suit has already been issued. However, by getting some advance advice from a business attorney, you may be able to avoid such a situation altogether. If you believe prevention is the best medicine when it comes to protecting your […]

A Checklist for Business Agreement Success

A Checklist for Business Agreement Success

When you are reviewing a business agreement or contract, having a checklist of items to consider can help you to ensure that you are not signing anything to your detriment. Here are 7 things you always want to consider when dealing with a business contract or agreement of any type.   Terms and Conditions – You need to know exactly what […]

4 Important Types of Business Contracts

4 Important Types of Business Contracts

If you run your own company, you no doubt recognize the importance of quality contracts for many business dealings. We’re going to take a closer look at four of the most important types of business contracts and why you should enlist the help of a business lawyer before you sign anything.   Employment Contracts – If you […]

The 4 Steps Involved in Business Contract Preparation

The 4 Steps Involved in Business Contract Preparation

Business contracts and agreements are an important aspect of running your own small company. However, signing something that hasn’t been prepared properly can have detrimental effects and may even run you out of business. Let’s consider the 4 stages of business contract preparation and see how you can avoid being taken advantage of. Drafting – […]